Who Uses Pyomo?


  • Rose-Hulman, UC Davis, U Texas, Iowa State, Naval Postgraduate School



  • Sandia National Laboratories

  • Federal Energy Regulatory Agency

  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

  • Los Alamos National Laboratory

  • National Energy Technology Laboratory

  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory


  • University of California, Davis

  • Carnegie Mellon University

  • George Mason University

  • Imperial College London

  • Iowa State University

  • Naval Postgraduate School

  • North Carolina State University

  • Università di Pisa

  • Purdue University

  • Rose‑Hulman Institute of Technology

  • Universidad de Santiago de Chile

  • University of Notre Dame

  • University of Southern California

  • University of Texas

  • University of Washington

Software Projects

  • Dispa-SET is a unit commitment and dispatch model focused on balancing and flexibility problems in European grids.

  • The IDAES-PSE Toolkit, an open source optimization-based framework for the design and optimization of chemical processes.

  • Minpower is an open source toolkit for students and researchers in power systems. It is designed to make working with ED, OPF, and UC problems simple and intuitive. The goal is to foster collaboration with other researchers and to make learning easier for students.

  • Open Energy Modelling Framework (oemof) is a modular, open framework for developing energy models that emphasizes communication, documentation, and community involvement.

  • OpenAgua is a web-based application for modeling water systems for water resources planning and management.

  • OptiType is an HLA genotyping algorithm based on integer programming, capable of producing accurate 4-digit HLA genotyping predictions from NGS data by simultaneously selecting all minor and major HLA-I alleles.

  • PowerGAMA is an open-source Python package for power system grid and market analyses.

  • PyPSA is a free software toolbox for simulating and optimizing modern electric power systems that include features such as variable wind and solar generation, storage units and mixed alternating and direct current networks.

  • RBFOpt is a software library for black-box (also known as derivative-free) optimization.

  • SolverStudio for Excel includes a plugin for Pyomo for formulating and analyzing optimization models developed within Excel.

  • The TEMOA Project provides an open source framework for developing and archiving energy economy optimization models. TEMOA leverages Pyomo for open source modeling of linear and integer programs.

  • The Water Security Toolkit (WST) integrates water distribution network simulation and optimization to support the design of contamination warning systems and response action plans.


  • Noah Gift describes how to use Pyomo to solve mathematical programs. Additionally, Noah provides a scripting example implementing a greedy heuristic for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem.